Halloween Decorations: Floating Goblin

We like our Halloween decorations creepy, not cutesy. Sure, sometimes little kids are afraid to come up to our door, but with prompting from their parents, they almost always get over it. We have free candy, after all.

This floating goblin is a simple, thrifty DIY Halloween decoration that takes just minutes to make.

All we used was a blue rubber mask from the 99Cent Store, a bug zapper lantern and a hooded, black Halloween costume top in a thin, breathable fabric from the 99Cent Store.

We hung the zapper lantern, which is encased by proctive bars so we've never had to worry about it burning the fabric. We chose the zapper because it gives off a nice blue glow. A porch light with a black light in it would also achieve this affect.

Then we stapled the hood of the top around the edges of the mask.

To secure the mask in place, we fit the mask's flexible head strap around the lantern.

Finally, we just pulled the shirt over the lantern.

We probably could have done a better job hiding the cord the year the pic was taken. The next year, we ran the cord along the ceiling of the porch cover so it didn't just hang there.

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