DIY Valentine's Day Gift: Love Note Playing Cards

I will admit something. I was mad at my husband around Valentine's Day of last year. Why? I don't remember. I just remember that I procrastinated on making his gift because I wasn't feeling very lovey-dovey.

But then I got over myself and wrote down 54 reasons why I love my husband and pasted said reasons onto a deck of cards for this simple DIY Valentine's Day gift.

As I wrote each reason, I smiled more and more. I have one pretty amazing partner. And he absolutely loved my last-minute gift.

If you want to make this gift yourself and add to the package, consider buying a poker set for your guy. I actually used the cards from the poker set I bought Aaron for our one-year wedding anniversary, so I really upped the ante on the sentimental value. 

Warning: Sexy, hot strip-poker may ensue. 


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