DIY Snow White Family Costume

DIY Snow White Family Costume

Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all? Snow White was the fairest of them all in the original 1937 movie that my daughter loves, and she was the fairest of us all in our Snow White family costume. Still, our DIY Evil Queen costume and DIY Hunstman costume weren't too shabby, either. 

Family Snow White Costumes for Halloween

For our family Snow White costumes for Halloween, my 4-year-old daughter already had a second-hand Disney store Snow White costume. I added the sparkly cape from my Little Red Riding costume and made her red bow headband to complete the look. My husband had a Peter Pan costume, and I had some weird purple alien/choir robe and a vampire cape. Starting with those pieces, I knew I could assemble a DIY Evil Queen costume and DIY Hunstman costume, thrifty style.

DIY Evil Queen Costume

For my DIY Evil Queen costume, I started with this random purple robe and cut off the silver pieces that were not part of the old hag's gown. What the Evil Queen lacks in a stylish dress, she makes up for in a statement necklace and crown, plus the ebony cowl around her head. (Spoiler: The Evil Queen costume is hot on a warm Halloween night.)

I cut the cowl from one of those generic black caped costumes you'd find paired with a Scream mask. I happened to have one on hand, but any thin black fabric would have worked.

For the oversized collar, I cut out posterboard and stapled -- yes, stapled -- the posterboard to the collar of my vampire cape. To DIY the Evil Queen's necklace, I cut gemstone pieces from used metallic gift bags. And for one garishly tall DIY Evil Queen crown, I used sparkly gold craft foam from Michael's. The Evil Queen also wears this rope-like belt around her waist. I found a bag of shiny, lightweight rope-ish pieces from the local thrift store, Eco Thift. In all, I spent only a few bucks to make my Evil Queen Halloween costume. 

DIY Hunstman Costume

Being the nerdy costume-loving couple that we are, we had a Peter Pan costume in our collection. Disney's Peter Pan is only a few steps away from the Disney's The Hunstman. To complete the DIY Hunstman costume for Halloween, we hit the local thrift stores, and I found the vest, belt and boot covers we needed in a costume bag at Deseret Industries. My husband had a rusty old hatchet on hand, because, of course he did.

Family Snow White Costumes for Halloween

With our family Snow White costumes for Halloween complete, we hit the neighborhood trick-or-treating, and our neighbors loved that we dressed up as a family. Naturally, little Snow White charmed everyone and came home with more candy than she could eat in a year. (That's what the Parent Tax is for.) After all the fun of trick-or-treating and passing out candy, our little Snow White did a photo shoot with her Seven Dwarves.


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