Why, It's a DIY Winnie the Pooh Party

Planning a DIY Winnie the Pooh Birthday Party

Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood where Scarlett Alexis plays, you'll find the enchanted neighborhood of a DIY Winnie the Pooh birthday party. Yes, as a lifelong Winnie the Pooh fan, it warmed my mamma heart when my soon-to-be 3-year-old daughter fell in love with Winnie the Pooh and wanted a Winnie the Pooh birthday party.

OK, maybe I planted the idea of a Winnie the Pooh birthday party in her head, but it was the perfect theme for my quiet child who struggled with speech, but frequently said, "Help, I shtuck!" and opened her first umbrella and immediately said, "Tut tut, it looks like rain!" I was giddy to transform our park-like backyard into the "100 Aker Wood" for a DIY Winnie the Pooh birthday party.

DIY Pooh Party Decorations

Step 1 of transforming my backyard into the Hundred Acre Wood was crafting DIY Pooh party decorations. I made most of the Pooh party decorations myself or used things I already had. For my outdoor DIY Pooh party decorations, I used old wood pieces to craft the classic 100 Aker Wood sign and Mr. Sanders sign above Pooh's door. (He lives under it, you know.) My husband cut and sanded the pieces, and I used a Sharpie to print the words. I also purchased a cheap terra cotta pot for Honey(combs). I set the signs up in our Hundred Acre Wood backyard, with the Mr. Sanders sign on my daughter's playhouse. We got one red helium balloon for good measure.

For indoor Pooh party decorations above the food table, I downloaded a Winnie the Pooh alphabet on FontSpace and made a Winnie the Pooh party banner with cardstock and ribbon. I also designed pictures with some favorite Winnie the Pooh quotes. 

Creating a Winnie the Pooh Play Space

Winnie the Pooh is all about friendship, imagination and adventures, so I wanted to create a special Winnie the Pooh play space representing just that. On one wall in the backyard, I created a Pooh reading nook and toy shelf with antique furniture, lots of Winnie the Pooh books and all the Hundred Acre Wood friends we had. I filled the hope chest with costumes for a fun dress-up station. The bottom shelf of the bookshelf held bubble gloves for the bubble pool and water table we set up nearby.

Although most of my Pooh party decorations were DIY, I did buy Winnie the Pooh wall decals to fill both the inside and outside party spaces. I used the decals on the play space wall, above the gift table and the food table, and even inside Pooh's house AKA my daughter's playhouse. The Winnie the Pooh wall decals stuck to every surface, and we reused them in my daughter's playroom after the party.

Winnie the Pooh Party Foods

And what is a Winnie the Pooh party without Winnie the Pooh themed foods? For our food station inside the kitchen, I decorated with the name banner and Winnie the Pooh quote pictures I designed myself. The Pooh wall decals came with lots of honeybees, which were perfect for the food table. I chose to add in touches of rainbows throughout the party as rainbows are a plenty for Pooh, especially on the beloved cartoon, The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Generic rainbow foil tablecloths, napkins and plates from The Dollar Tree are a lot cheaper than the licensed character decor. 

We made all our Winnie the Pooh party foods, but kept it simple. 

Winnie the Pooh Party Food Menu
  • Tigger's Tails (pasta salad dyed orange)
  • Piglets in a Blanket 
  • Eeyore's Sticks (pretzels)
  • Rabbit's Garden (strawberries, watermelon, and of, course, carrots)
  • Rooh's Pouches (applesauce pouches)
  • Pooh's Honey (Honeycomb cereal)
We also had lemonade because there is always lemonade at Pooh's parties. We did not make haycorn pie, but Grandma made cupcakes for all.

Winnie the Pooh Party Games

What better donkey to pin the tail on than gloomy ole Eeyore himself? For our Winnie the Pooh party games, Grandma painted a big picture of Eeyore plus tails for all the children to pin on. Being freshly 3-years-old, my Scarlett didn't quite grasp the concept of having to guess with the blindfold on and absolutely peaked for perfect Pin the Tail on Eeyore placement. 

We didn't want to leave the grown-ups out, so for a more challenging Winnie the Pooh party game, we set up a table for any willing adult to build the very best house for Eeyore out of Eeyore pretzel sticks, peanut butter and flour. It was messy and silly and some of the bakers did a pretty decent job.

Pooh Party Activities for Kids

For the rest of the Pooh party, we let the kids run wild with open play. Our Pooh party activities for kids included a bubble pool, water table, climbing structure, play kitchen, costumes, sand pit, and lots of balloons. It was a small party of Scarlett and her seven young cousins, so they entertained themselves setting up a store, digging in the sand, playing princesses and pirates, and having the kind of imaginative adventures Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo, Owl and Gopher have in the Hundred Acre Wood. 

It was perfectly Pooh party, indeed.


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